Landfill Research and Ways to Encourage Environmental Sustainability

Annually, the world generates 2.01 billion tonnes of Municipal waste just like that. High income countries generate approx 34 million tonnes of waste annually. It has been foretasted that the global waste is expected to grow by 34 percent by 2050. What? It sounds like the world is gonna be destroyed in upcoming years. Well, it hasn’t been destroyed yet. We have to initiate and implement the best practices through which we can save the world.

Here are some Unbelievable facts which We bet You didn’t know-
  • The United States of America throws $11.4 worth of recyclable items every year.
  • Waste, landfills is expected to grow by 3.40 billion tonnes in 2050
  • 37% of waste is disposed to landfills (that’s a huge contribution to landfills)
  • 11 million tons of recyclable clothes, branded merchandise are disposed to landfills
  • 11 percent of waste is incinerated is a final disposal. (affects respiratory system in humans)
  • 93 percent of dump is thrown in a low income countries which is a huge drawback and causing health issues to people living there.
  • Over 100,000 marine animals die each year with plastic ingestion
  • Plastic causes more harm to wildlife than humans. 80% of plastic affects marine. Rest is to humans.
  • Aluminium cans causes less than 1 percent waste because they can be recycled.
  • On an average, a single American generates plastic cups waste annually.
  • You can recycle aluminium as much as you can. There is no limit of recycling aluminium products.
  • Americans use 65 billion soda in cans annually (that’s good to consider in more years)
  • A single american consumes roughly 2 trees in paper products.
  • 9 out of 10 Americans said, they find recycling procedure hard.
Financing solid waste management is costly. The ongoing operational costs is challenging. Implementing some recycling practices can make much difference in an upcoming years. Thus, Environmental Sustainability

Here is how you can Manage and Encourage Environmental Sustainability-

  1. Avoid Using Plastic
  2. Recycle (If you can not, then contact Recycling Center)
  3. Donate Obsolete Swag/Branded Merchandise to the charity
  4. Plastic Items (If exist) reuse them by making supply cups for kids, water cans for your garden, necklaces, herb gardening.
  5. Effective use of Recycling Bins. Avoid using trash bins, use recycling Bins instead.
  6. Take your kids to the charity. They will learn some good deeds and follow them lifelong. They won’t throw used swag.
  7. Join communities that encourages recycling.
  8. Don’t compost food waste.
  9. Give recyclable items like mugs, pens, notebooks, used branded merchandise to recycling centers like swagcycle.


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