Ways to Encourage Environmental Sustainability-
We all know that climatic changes, ozone layer depletion, pollution are major contributors to human’s bad respiratory system. When sustainable products came into market before 10 years ago, many people bought them as they wanted to do something for the environment. Still, only a few people have taken the idea of sustainability seriously.
Plastic affects lifestyle at every stage of life-
Extraction- You might have no idea that plastic is a lifeline to fossil fuel industry. The plastic is made from fossil fuels, natural gases, and sometimes coal. Thus it has great importance in fossil fuel industry. From oil spills to groundwater pollution, it has a major cause to the environment.
Production- Large chemical processing plants are required to convert fossil fuels into feedstock. Usage of large chemical processing emits poisonous gas in the air which affects the respiratory system of humans.
Disposal- Plastic stays around hundreds of years or more. Especially when it contributes to landfills it degrades environment more. All that plastic is expected to show up in from tap water to the food.
Lack of Sustainability is a Big Concern-
Plastic affects lifestyle at every stage of life-
Extraction- You might have no idea that plastic is a lifeline to fossil fuel industry. The plastic is made from fossil fuels, natural gases, and sometimes coal. Thus it has great importance in fossil fuel industry. From oil spills to groundwater pollution, it has a major cause to the environment.
Production- Large chemical processing plants are required to convert fossil fuels into feedstock. Usage of large chemical processing emits poisonous gas in the air which affects the respiratory system of humans.
Disposal- Plastic stays around hundreds of years or more. Especially when it contributes to landfills it degrades environment more. All that plastic is expected to show up in from tap water to the food.
Lack of Sustainability is a Big Concern-
Sustainability is not just and idea introduced in the USA, but it’s a global popularity nowadays. Little do they know that sustainability is an opportunity to adopt that can help in their future living. They only have to adopt some simple ways that can promote environmental sustainability-
- Grow your Own Garden- The vegetables you purchase from the market goes through various processes. From propagating them to adding chemicals through injections. Thus, growing small garden in the backyard is not a bad idea to get encourage sustainability and have chemical free vegetables. Carbon footprints can be reduced easily just by installing a small garden in your backyard. Americans are fond of gardening, add some values by planting hedges in your garden.
- Recycling- Did you know; More than 50 billion plastic items are disposed of by the Americans. Very few of them gets recycled. You may find one of the 50 billion plastic bottles in your room. Sounds strange but that’s the reality. Huge percent of plastic items are contributed to landfills. If they are disposed of, then they are disposed through incineration. It is good that you are concerned for the unused plastic bottles, but that doesn’t mean they are disposed in a wrong way. Incineration destroys plastic, but emits poisonous gas in the air which affects humans respiratory organs. Recycling plastic items instead of disposing them is environment friendly and have no adverse effect on human and wildlife. Ideas of recycling-
- Recycle Plastic bottles into supply cups for kids.
- Upcycle detergent powder bottles into Water cans for garden
- Make princess necklaces by cutting plastic
- Making small herbal garden by using plastic bottles
- Say A BIG NO to plastic- Although plastics are banned in America, but there are people who are still less aware about it. Take initiative and avoid plastic as much as you can. When you visit cafes and order a coffee, avoid taking coffees on plastic cups. Take your personal mugs instead. You can also avoid straws.
Know more at SwagCycle
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