Top 5 Ways to Dispose Plastic Bags-

Plastic bags, bottles and other plastic items are major environmental concerns. Plastic pollution is the gathering of plastics which adversely affects wildlife, human living, & wildlife habitat. Many companies organize conferences, contests and other events where the branded merchandise, swags are used in a great amount. Situation becomes worse when the company finds different ways to dispose and soon get rid off those merchandise and plastic items.

The company faces challenges to identify non hazardous ways to dispose Polystyrene and plastic bags. Here are some of the best ways to dispose of plastic bags in an ethical and affordable ways-

  • Landfilling- There is no doubt to admit that landfilling is the oldest form of waste management. A landfill is a site specifically for the disposal for waste material like plastic bags. The landfilling requires a huge space to treat plastic waste. In 2008, 29.2 million tons of plastic waste was disposed off. Today, around 3.8 percent of plastic waste is generated per year in the USA. Skilled manpower is needed to treat waste materials through landfilling. Typically the skill manpower landfills the waste material by applying 2 major techniques-
  1. Margining waste to as small an area is possible
  2. Compacting base to reduce volume

  • Recycling- Waste plastics can be recovered and get a second life through recycling. Still, this process is not properly utilized today due to lack of awareness among people about recycling. Perhaps, facing difficulties with the collection of waste eventually turns into ending up with throwing used plastic in unethical places.Recycling is one of the most effective ways to treat waste in a great way. Still, the process is not in the practice as it is expected to be. What to do
  1. Increasing awareness among people.
  2. Utilization of Economic Viability.
  3. Donating unwanted branded merchandise.

Donating unwanted branded merchandise is gaining popularity all over the USA. There are many organizations which aims to make America the plastic free country. Swagcycle helps people recycle their unwanted branded items, plastic bags, mugs in an ethical and affordable way. People donate swag to such organizations which either send to charity or if required recycles the products to give them a second life.

  • Reducing use of Plastic Materials- There is no better way to stop using plastic items than to promise ourselves to not even buy plastic in any case. It is always better to start with ourselves and take such steps which not only favors environmental sustainability but also aware unaware people out there. What to do? A conscious decision should be taken at both personal and professional level to make this habit followed by everyone. You can bring your own shopping bag than asking grocery providers for plastic bags.

  • Incineration- Plastic contains elements of petroleum and natural gas. Incineration is the process that involves combustion of these elements which contains in Plastic items. Incineration is a great way to get rid of plastic materials but along with that it carries some hazardous characteristics which degrades the essence of environment. How? During the combustion, poisonous substances get released into the atmosphere which degrades the environment. 

Hence, Incineration; in some cases, can be considered to treat waste plastic at certain limits.

  • Give them to Organizations- There are many organizations which have been carrying one mission since inception. Making the USA plastic free. Thus, many organizations advise not to throw used plastic items/branded merchandise in the sea, ocean; they ask people if they want to give these items to them instead. What do the Organization do? The organizations recycle and upcycle plastic items in an affordable and ethical way without harming the environment.
On the other hand, instead of recycling branded merchandise, they donate swag items to the charity.


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