10 Things You Can do with Older Cloths-

Sometimes we have our favorite jeans, t-shirts which we can’t wear anymore. They leve us with some memories, good times and you don’t want to throw them into trash. So what can you do with Older cloths and have them for a long period? Give them a new life, those clothes that aren't worthy to be thrown on trash bins.

Produce bags- No other alternative can be better than using clothing carry bags to avoid using plastic bags. Did you know that the Americans generates more than 350 billion plastic waste each year which contributes to the landfills. You can reduce your contribution by making use of clothing carry bags. You can make best use of waste cloths by reproducing them into carry bags.

What will you need?

1. A couple of snips and stitches
2. Unwanted swag/cloths.
Coffee Cozies- Here you can make best use of orphaned socks. Cool coffee cozies are often in trend.

What will you need?
1. A coffee mug
2. Outdated socks

Scissor to adjust
Outdated Branded Merchandise- We personally encourage you to donate them. There are many Organizations in the USA which help you by taking your unwanted swag and donate them in an ethical and affordable way. Just like SwagCycle, they have a huge network of renowned NGOs.

You can even make use of outdated clothes by making small baskets as a supply ones. Supply them to kids colors, toothpastes, brushes, pens and other stationery.
You can also make Playing toy for you dog. 

What will you need?
1. Outdated branded clothes (Denim majorly)
2. Couple of stitches.

Sweater Socks- Winter is about to come and all you may need are woolens. In case, you have “No Use” woolens and don’t want to throw in trash, then you can make great use of them. You can make socks with a sweater for winters.

What will you need?1. “No Use” Sweater
2. Scissors and a couple of stitches.

Pillowcase- Give your pillow a formal yet creative look. You can turn on the shirts and use them in pillow covers. You can use shirts as well to give pillow a funky look.

What will you need?1. Old shirts and t-shirts
2. A precise cutting.


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