Landfills: Causes, effects and solutions

Landfills are designated area where the rubbish garbage, dumb, and other miscellaneous waste items are thrown. Anything and everything could be buried beneath the ground. The buried materials when decompose release methane which contributes to emit greenhouse gases. The released greenhouse gas results in global warming.


Solid Waste- The huge number of solid waste is a huge contributor to landfills. School, restaurants, public places, markets and so on produces wastes, garbage and rubbish used items. Wood, paper, plastic, furniture are some major solid waste that contributes to the landfills. Most of these wastes are non biodegradable where once they fills to the landfills lasts for years and become reason to pollute the environment.

Industrial and Manufacturing Waste- Manufacturing and industrial processes produce a wide range of solid waste that contributes to the landfills. These waste products are generated from power plants, waste refiners, pharmaceutical and construction waste and find ways to the landfills.

Agriculture Waste- Agricultural wastes are in the form of animal manicure, farms remains and crops. These wastes are collected once and sent to the landfills. Once they are into landfills, they remain for years causing soil quality and polluting the air. The worst thing to expect is that they are highly toxic which contaminates water resources and rain as well.


Groundwater Pollution- There are huge amount of hazardous waste that find their ways to landfills and once they enter they deteriorates natural ground water.

Health Effects- Increments in the danger of extreme well being suggestions, for example, birth absconds, low birth weight, and specific malignancies have been accounted for in people living alongside landfill zones in various investigations. For example, TCE is a cancer-causing agent component regularly beginning from landfill leachate. Other distress and self-revealed side effects for individuals living beside the landfills incorporate drowsiness, migraines and exhaustion.

Landfill Fires- Landfill gases together with a substantive measure of landfill squander, can undoubtedly light a fire. When flames are lighted, it very well may be trying to put it out and further reason air contamination. If not put out quickly, they can gain out of power and decimate the neighboring environments.

Methane is prominently the most combustible and burnable gas in the landfill and all things considered, given its rich inventory it can make ruin. Ignition of the landfill even compounds the circumstance as the consuming of the synthetic substances adds increasingly concoction burden to the zone.

So How to Overcome Landfills and Stop contributing to them?

If we recycle plastics/by products, compost the waste food in a systematic manner, huge contribution to the landfills will be reduced. There are many recycling centers in the USA like SwagCycle which takes waste items, used branded merchandise which they recycle or donate in an ethical and affordable. So even if you can’t recycle, you can call recycling centers where they will come to your area, take waste items and recycle /donate them accordingly.


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